The Cooper Union
School of Architecture
Recent Book
Recombinant Urbanism

Professor Shane received his Architectural Diploma from the Architectural Association and his Master of Architecture and Doctor of Philosophy from Cornell University, with studies at the London School of Economics. Professor Shane teaches ARCH 153, Town Planning at The Cooper Union and has taught at the Architectural Association, Bennington College, Vermont, Cornell University, the Rhode Island School of Design, Rice University, the University of Pennsylvania, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Columbia University and City College.

Professor Shane has published extensively in Architectural Design and Archithese, for whom he served as the New York correspondent during the 1980s, and has recently had articles published in Casabella, Design Book Review, Harvard Design Magazine, Bauwelt, and the anthologies The Mortal City (Princeton Architectural Press, 1995) and The Urban Life World (Routledge, 2002). He has recently completed work on a book on urban design, Recombinant Urbanism (John Wiley, 2005).

Visiting Professor, Adjunct Faculty